Home / Releases / DataLife Engine v.11.0 Final Release
March 01 2016

DataLife Engine v.11.0 Final Release

celsoft 1 March 2016 Releases 16 142
DataLife Engine v.11.0 Final Release

The following changes have been prepared and implemented:

DataLife Engine v.11.0 Final Release DataLife Engine v.11.0 Final Release DataLife Engine v.11.0 Final Release
1. The distribution kit includes three completely new templates. These templates are created according to HTML5 standards. They are perfectly adapt both to dekstop browsers, and to tablets and smartphones. Also, vector graphics was used in these templates. It leads to their high-quality displaying on HiDPI (Retina) displays.

DataLife Engine v.11.0 Final Release DataLife Engine v.11.0 Final Release
2. A new type of publications extra field is added: "Image". Field of this type allows user to upload an image for an article, which will be shown later when displaying news on the website. For this type of field you can set such parameters as: size and dimensions limits, creation of a small copy of the image, dimensions of a small image, application of a watermark. Therefore, this type of field simplifies the process of the articles creation. For example, you can set different types of images (posters, screenshots, etc.) and adjust their displaying in the template. So, when user publishes the article, he/she only needs to upload every needed image in a single click.

DataLife Engine v.11.0 Final Release DataLife Engine v.11.0 Final Release
3. A new type of publications extra field is added: "File". Field of this type allows user to upload an image for the article, which then will be downloaded as an attachment. For this type of field you can set such parameters as: file extensions which are allowed to be uploaded, and a maximum size of the file. Therefore, this type of field simplifies the process of the articles creation. For example, you can set different types of downloadable files, including images (wallpapers with different resolutions) and adjust their displaying in the template. So, when user publishes the article, he/she only needs to upload every needed file in a single click.

DataLife Engine v.11.0 Final Release DataLife Engine v.11.0 Final Release
4. A new type of publications extra field is added: "'Yes' or 'No' Switcher". When editing the article, the field of this type is displayed as 'Yes'/'No' (On/Off) switcher. This field displays 'Yes' or No' as its values, depending on what was set when the article has been created. However, the main purpose of this field is the management of [xfgiven_X] text [/xfgiven_X] and [xfnotgiven_X] text [/xfnotgiven_X] fields. If the switcher is On, then a text between [xfgiven_X] text [/xfgiven_X] tags is displayed, whereas [xfnotgiven_X] text [/xfnotgiven_X] removes it, and vice versa. Thus, these extra fields allow you to easily adjust the displayed information for every article in templates of the website. For example, you can enable or disable the displaying of some descriptive tabs on a page, or arrange a gallery of screenshots or posters, etc.

DataLife Engine v.11.0 Final Release DataLife Engine v.11.0 Final Release
5. For articles’ extra fields that have "List" type, a new feature is added that allows a website administrator to create pairs of separate list item values, where the firs value is seen by a user who creates or reads the article and the second value is seen by a website administrator. Separation symbol '|' should be used in the list of values for this when adding the field, for example: Y|Yes. Website administrator sees 'Yes', but 'Y' is displayed on the website to simple users and visitors.

6. "List" type extra fields of user profiles are now also have the ability to contain pairs of values, where the firs value is seen by a user who creates or reads the article and the second value is seen by a website administrator. Again, separation symbol '|' should be used in the list of values for this when adding the field, for example: Y|Yes. Website administrator sees 'Yes', but 'Y' is displayed on the website to simple users and visitors.

7. "Use as Cross-hyperlinks" mode for the article extra fields is significantly redesigned and improved. If this option is enabled for the field, then articles search by the field value is based on a complete coincidence of other articles’ values of this particular field. For example, if you previously created "Production year" field, and you set a particular value 2015, and at the same time you had another article with, let’s say, an uploaded image which has 2015 in its path, then the old system would find both articles, as the search was carried out simply by the match of a search word. It led to the fact that sometimes in a search results list there were articles that were not quite expected. The new system will find articles which has 2015 value in "Production year" field only. Other fields and their values are no longer taken into account, allowing more advanced use of additional fields for the organization of cross-linking with each other, for example: by the production year, actors, directors, etc. A new type of search is automatically applied to the newly added articles only. If you want the old available articles to be involved in this search system, then you need to run the articles rebuilding in "Articles Rebuilding" of Administration Panel, and thus the index values of fields for old available articles will be created.

8. A new feature is added that allows to display additional extra fields in the main template (main.tpl) when watching a full article on the website. In this template you can use the same tags as for the displaying of additional fields in the full article and article annotation templates to do this. These tags are: [xfgiven_X] text [/xfgiven_X], [xfnotgiven_X] text [/xfnotgiven_X] and [xfvalue_X]

9. [ifxfvalue tagname="tagvalue"] Text [/ifxfvalue] tags are now supported in templates which have article extra fields. The text between these tags is displayed if the extra field value matches the specified value. Also, [ifxfvalue tagname!="tagvalue"] Text [/ifxfvalue] tags are added, and text between them will be displayed if the extra field value does not match the specified value, where tagmane is a name of the extra field, and tagvalue is its value. For example, if [ifxfvalue test="m"] Male[/ifxfvalue] is written, then its " Male " content text will be displayed if "m" value will be set as a value of test field during the article creation. This offers great opportunities for the creation of different templates designs depending on the various fields values set during the articles creation. For example, you can apply a different design depending on the selected item when you create a field with “List” type.

10. Extra fields displaying during the fast editing of articles is improved. Additional supporting CSS classes for Edit form are added for this, which can be used for a field designing when fast editing.

DataLife Engine v.11.0 Final Release
11. Now user can specify a desired username to be used on the website when logging in using social networks. Username is requested only at the first login to the website using a social network account and will be automatically used in the future. This feature is useful for those visitors of your website who do not want to use data which was automatically obtained from a social network, e.g. when first and last name are used as a username.

12. Emoticons for HiDPI (Retina) displays are supported. Two versions of emoticons are used for this: normal-resolution version and high-resolution version. If display has a normal pixel density, then normal emoticons are used. If display has HiDPI (Retina) density, then high-resolution versions are used. Determination of display and choice of emoticons are performed automatically. You only need to place two versions of emoticons into the emoticon directory for this. For example: smile.gif for normal-resolution emoticons and smile@2x.gif for HiDPI (Retina) emoticons. If you don’t have a high-resolution version of emoticons, then a normal-resolution emoticons will be used.

13. 60 new emoticons are included in the distribution kit. All of them have HiDPI (Retina) displays support.

14. Emoticons with .png extension are automatically supported now. Support is also carried out automatically. You just need to copy emoticon files with .png extension into emoticons folder and specify the name of the emoticon in the script settings.

DataLife Engine v.11.0 Final Release
15. New global tag is added:

{customcomments id="1,2,5-8" category="2,3,5-8" author="x" days="x" template="custom" available="global" from="0" limit="10" order="date" sort="desc" cache="yes"}
which allows to display comments in a customized form in any place of the website. This tag is used for the additional display of comments and can be used, for example, to display last comments on the main page of your website, etc.

This tag can take the following parameters:
id – the list of comment IDs which you want to display, separated by commas without spaces. You can also specify the range of comment IDs using dashes. For example, 1,4-8,11 displays a comment with ID 1, comments with IDs from 4 to 8, and a comment with ID 11.

category – a list of article category IDs where you want to choose comments from, separated by commas without spaces. You can also specify the range of categories using dashes. For example, 1,4-8,11 displays comments from category with ID 1, from IDs from 4 to 8, and from ID 11.

categoryexclude – is completely opposite of the parameter category="list of categories" and allows to display comments to articles which do not belong to categories specified as the parameter value. For example, {customcomments categoryexclude="2,7"} displays all the comments to articles which do not belong to categories with IDs 2 and 7.

author – displays the username of a comment author. When using this parameter, the specified author’s comments will be displayed. You can enumerate several authors separating by commas. For example, {customcomments author="admin" limit="5"} tag displays 5 comments of the author with "admin" username.

authorexclude – authors’ usernames whose comments should not be displayed. Authors’ logins can be separated by commas. For example, {customcomments authorexclude="admin,test"} tags display comments of all authors except "admin" and "test" users.

days – the time period in days, where x is a number of days for which the comments should be displayed. For example, {customcomments days="2" limit="5"} tag displays 5 comments for the last 2 days.

template – a template file that will be used for displaying comments. In this case it will be custom.tpl . If you use several templates on the website, then this file must be present in each template. This template uses tags similar to those tags which you use in the comments display template (comments.tpl).

available – indicates the section of a website where requested comments will be displayed. You can combine sections using "|", for example, available = "userinfo | register | main" will display your comments on the main page, on the registration page, and on user profile page.

from – indicates the number of a comment, from which the output begins. Comments numbering starts with zero. For example, if you want to skip the first comment that matches your conditions, you need to specify from = "1"

limit – the number of displayed comments.

order – comments sorting criteria. It can take the following values:

date – sorting comments by date. For example, {customcomments order="date" limit="5"} tag displays five latest comments.
rating – sorting comments by rating. For example, {customcomments order="rating" limit="5"} tag displays five highest-rated comments.
rand – sorting comments in a random order. For example, {customcomments order="rand" limit="5"} tag displays five comments in a random order.

sort - indicates the sort order of comments. If the value is desc, then articles are sorted in descending order, and when it is asc, articles are sorted in ascending order.

cache - takes values yes or no and specifies whether to cache the displayed information or not. We recommend to cache the displayed blocks to reduce the server load.

All the parameters of this tag are optional. It is enough to specify just one parameter. You can also combine various parameters of this tag at your discretion.

16. A new tag {comment limit="X"} is now supported in comments template (comments.tpl). It displays the text of a comment without HTML formatting, where the text itself is reduced to the specified "x" number of symbols. The text is reduced to the last logical word, not to the middle of it. This tag is useful when you use a customized comments displaying with {customcomments ...} when you need to display the shortened version of a comment, not its full version.

17. A new tag {news-link} is now supported in comments template (comments.tpl). It displays the URL of an article where the comment belongs to. This tag is useful when you display customized comments and last comments.

18. A new tag {news-title} is now supported in comments template (comments.tpl). It displays HTML-safe header of an article where the given comment belongs to. This tag is useful when you display customized comments and last comments.

DataLife Engine v.11.0 Final Release
19. Now you can specify categories in group settings that are prohibited from viewing for this user group. This new option is an addition to the existing one, where you list categories that are allowed for viewing. Previously, if you needed to hide only one category from a large list you had to select all available categories, except the category that you want to hide. Now you can just choose that category from a list. The previous setting was not removed from Administration Panel, so you can choose what you prefer: to choose categories that will be displayed, or to choose a list of the hidden ones.

DataLife Engine v.11.0 Final Release
20. Now you can move user to another group after a certain number of days after his/her registration. The corresponding setting is added in the group settings where you can specify the number of days and a group where user should be moved to after the registration. It allows you to manage the rights and privileges of users of your website.

DataLife Engine v.11.0 Final Release
21. Now you can move user to another group when he/she publishes a certain number of articles on the website.. The corresponding setting is added in the group settings where you can specify the number of articles and a group where user should be moved to when he/she achieves the given number of articles. Articles that are not moderated yet, will not be counted. This option allows you to give more rights and privileges to the active users.

DataLife Engine v.11.0 Final Release
22. Now you can move a user to another group when he/she publishes a certain number of comments on the website.. The corresponding setting is added in the group settings where you can specify the number of comments and a group where user should be moved to when he/she achieves the given number of comments. Comments that are not moderated yet, will not be counted. This option allows you to give more rights and privileges to the active users.

DataLife Engine v.11.0 Final Release
23. Now you can move a user to another group when he/she achieves a certain article rating. The corresponding setting is added in group settings where you can specify the overall rating that user must achieve and the group where user will be moved to in this case.

24. Formatting of the comments and articles number is now supported in comments and personal messages templates (comments.tpl and pm.tpl). For example, number 252501 can be displayed as 252 501, which facilitates the perception of large numbers.

25. Formatting of the rating value is now supported in user profile templates (userinfo.tpl and profile_popup.tpl). For example, when overall rating of a user is displayed, you can display +252 501 instead of +252501, which facilitates the perception of large numbers.

26. New global template tag {* Commented-out code *} is now supported. This tag is used to comment-out the code. Everything between "{*" and "*}" is removed from a template and will not be displayed on the website. These tags will be useful for template developers to debug various parts of the code by allowing to temporarily comment-out these parts. This tag is global and may be used in different templates.

27. Auto reset of related articles index when editing the number of displayed related news is added. Now it is not necessary to enter Articles rebuilding and rebuild the cache of related articles after changing this setting.

DataLife Engine v.11.0 Final Release
28. Now you can adjust whether non-moderated articles are shown in user profile or not. If you enable this setting, user will be able to see non-moderated articles and edit them. If it is disabled, these articles will not be shown and there will be no message that he/she doesn’t have non-moderated articles.

29. There are some changes in the feedback from unregistered users. If the user is unregistered, then a username that he entered is not searched among the registered users’ usernames. Prefix “Unregistered User” will be added to his/her name instead of this. It allows administrator or another recipient to easily determine that the letter was sent by the unregistered user. The unregistered user will not have to come up with another username if the one that he/she entered is already used on the website.

30. There are some changes in the comments publication for unregistered users.. If a username entered by the unregistered user matches the username of a registered user, then prefix “Guest” is added to his/her name. For example, if user entered username "Lisa", and there is a registered user with username "Lisa" on the website, then the comment will be published on behalf of "Guest Lisa". It gives a visual difference that the user is unregistered. And user no longer needs to come up with another username. If there is no similar name among the registered users, then the prefix is not needed.

31. Now comment notifications are sent when comments are moderated. Previously notifications were sent only if comments were published on the website directly, without moderation. Now notifications will be sent when they will be moderated by the administration and published on the website.

DataLife Engine v.11.0 Final Release
32. Now you can search for keywords by a given word in a tag cloud management section. It significantly simplifies the search and editing of a needed word with a large amount of specified words.

DataLife Engine v.11.0 Final Release
33. Now you can search by keywords and links in a cross-reference management section. It significantly simplifies the search and editing of a needed word with a large amount of specified words.

DataLife Engine v.11.0 Final Release
34. Now you can set a new option for "Cross-Reference" module: "Open link in new window". It allows you to adjust whether the link should be opened in the current window of a browser or in another one.

35. Now you can adjust mass action in “Cross-Reference” module whether the link should be opened in the current window or in another window.

DataLife Engine v.11.0 Final Release
36. A new option “Exact match of username” for the user search by username is added in user management section of Administration Panel. If this option is checked, then search will be carried out on the exact username match which was specified in a search. It simplifies the search of a needed user who has a short username, if there is a large number of registered users on the website.

37. Flash video .flv files are played in a single player. Now video of this type is played in the same player as used to play HTML5 video. So, all video files are played in a single video player.

39. Automatic use of keywords from the tag cloud in a meta tag which is specially generated for search engines is added for the full articles for the better promotion of these articles in search engines. Learn more about this meta tag here https://support.google.com/news/publisher/answer/68297?hl=en

40. Text published in “code” tags in the articles parcer is now processed better. Any intersection of the published code with DLE tags and filters is excluded. That allows to use the source code in it without any influence on the text by DLE.

41. User avatars are now can be copied from “Odnoklassniki” social network when logging in using this network.

DataLife Engine v.11.0 Final Release DataLife Engine v.11.0 Final Release DataLife Engine v.11.0 Final Release
42. TinyMCE WYSIWYG editor is updated to the latest version. In addition to the correction of previously identified errors, this editor now has a lot of other changes. The appearance of the editor is changed to the view which is more suitable for websites (all functions are presented as buttons, without a menu). BB tags insertion for videos, Youtube-videos and other services was improved. Insertion and processing of source code samples ([cоde] [/cоde] tag) is improved, highlighting of these samples is added, and a convenient window for the insertion of these samples is also added. Highlighting of HTML code syntax when editing the HTML source code is added.

43. There are changes in site map formatting. If unregistered users are not allowed to view some categories, then these categories and its publications are excluded from the site map for them.

44. There are changes in a keywords output in a tag cloud, which gives more opportunities for different designing of these tags on the website.

45. UTF8mb4 encoding is now supported by MySQL server 5.7.x.

46. An issue is fixed, where [dеclination=x] Text [/dеclination] tags are used together with numbers to which the formatted output is applied.

47. An issue is fixed, where articles were displayed incorrectly where several {custom ...} tags with “author” and “catalog” parameters are used on one page with the enabled caching.

48. An issue is fixed, where comments with HTML tags are quoted, and standard comment editor is used. Now when quoting, HTML tags themselves are inserted into the editor field instead of their HTML entities.

49. The issue with getting UTF-8 encoded letters by some type of email services is solved.

50. An issue is fixed, where author’s username was incorrectly renamed for files that are uploaded to articles if user’s username was renamed in user control panel.

51. An issue is fixed, where cache of the article could not clear if this article was moderated and edited by its author.

52. Indicated and previously declared small errors of the engine are fixed.

Information on the engine installation for clients:


Attention! This information is only available to users with a valid license for DataLife Engine. If you have already purchased the script, you must log in with your account.

If you are not a customer, you can purchase the engine on our website.


  1. ShoMpeT (Visitors)

    1 March 2016 16:24 6 comments
    it could be a good idea if you send and email about new release to the clients.

    Thank You.
  2. celsoft (Administrators)

    1 March 2016 16:43 4 203 comments
    We will send a notification. But to reduce the load on the server, sending distributed a few days.
  3. ShoMpeT (Visitors)

    3 March 2016 17:52 6 comments
    There is a issue with engine/ajax/message.php file. in this file at line 127 we must change mo woth 0, that mean we have to find this line:

    $db->query( "INSERT INTO " . USERPREFIX . "_pm (subj, text, user, user_from, date, pm_read, folder) values ('{$lang['message_pm']}', '$message', '{$row['user_id']}', '{$member_id['name']}', '$time', 'no', 'inbox')" );

    and change it to:

    $db->query( "INSERT INTO " . USERPREFIX . "_pm (subj, text, user, user_from, date, pm_read, folder) values ('{$lang['message_pm']}', '$message', '{$row['user_id']}', '{$member_id['name']}', '$time', '0', 'inbox')" );
  4. ShoMpeT (Visitors)

    3 March 2016 18:16 6 comments
    *we must change no with 0

    **i could't edit my last comment
  5. celsoft (Administrators)

    4 March 2016 12:36 4 203 comments

  6. nellyville (Visitors)

    5 March 2016 20:31 7 comments
    I upgraded DLE from 10.6 to 11.0 but i have some problems with xfields images.
    When i want to use the new xfield option ,,Image" all my images looks like that:
  7. celsoft (Administrators)

    6 March 2016 14:02 4 203 comments
    Quote: nellyville
    I upgraded DLE from 10.6 to 11.0 but i have some problems with xfields images.
    When i want to use the new xfield option ,,Image" all my images looks like that:

    When outputting the field with option "Image", DLE do not use the code which you have in the screenshot. This code is not from this field.
  8. nellyville (Visitors)

    6 March 2016 18:13 7 comments
    Then which code should i use? give me a example of correctly code.
  9. celsoft (Administrators)

    7 March 2016 11:41 4 203 comments
    Quote: nellyville
    Then which code should i use? give me a example of correctly code.

    You should use [xfvalue_x] tag in template, where "x" is the name of the extra field
  10. nellyville (Visitors)

    7 March 2016 23:49 7 comments
    It does not work for me, shows me just an empty space without a picture.
  11. celsoft (Administrators)

    8 March 2016 18:34 4 203 comments
    Quote: nellyville
    It does not work for me, shows me just an empty space without a picture.

    The tag can not be "not work". This tag renders HTML code of pictures. Check that you insert tag correct in template. If the tag does not display the picture, so any other errors in your template, or incorrect modified script files on the server. For example, not updated all files on the server. Upload script files on the server again. Clear cache in your adminpanel, and look carefully at the source code of the page, that is displayed in your template where you put the tag.
  12. Patoghu (Visitors)

    12 March 2016 23:59 16 comments

    thanks for new version

    in dle 11 i think limited Tgs for post ! but in my old post after updgare from 10.6 to 11 many tags post dont show !

    please help to show all tag posts
  13. celsoft (Administrators)

    13 March 2016 16:17 4 203 comments
    Quote: Patoghu

    thanks for new version

    in dle 11 i think limited Tgs for post ! but in my old post after updgare from 10.6 to 11 many tags post dont show !

    please help to show all tag posts

    Read clause number 7 this article:
    7. "Use as Cross-hyperlinks" mode for the article extra fields is significantly redesigned and improved. If this option is enabled for the field, then articles search by the field value is based on a complete coincidence of other articles’ values of this particular field. For example, if you previously created "Production year" field, and you set a particular value 2015, and at the same time you had another article with, let’s say, an uploaded image which has 2015 in its path, then the old system would find both articles, as the search was carried out simply by the match of a search word. It led to the fact that sometimes in a search results list there were articles that were not quite expected. The new system will find articles which has 2015 value in "Production year" field only. Other fields and their values are no longer taken into account, allowing more advanced use of additional fields for the organization of cross-linking with each other, for example: by the production year, actors, directors, etc. A new type of search is automatically applied to the newly added articles only. If you want the old available articles to be involved in this search system, then you need to run the articles rebuilding in "Articles Rebuilding" of Administration Panel, and thus the index values of fields for old available articles will be created.
  14. Patoghu (Visitors)

    13 March 2016 17:15 16 comments
    Quote: celsoft
    Quote: Patoghu

    thanks for new version

    in dle 11 i think limited Tgs for post ! but in my old post after updgare from 10.6 to 11 many tags post dont show !

    please help to show all tag posts

    Read clause number 7 this article:
    7. "Use as Cross-hyperlinks" mode for the article extra fields is significantly redesigned and improved. If this option is enabled for the field, then articles search by the field value is based on a complete coincidence of other articles’ values of this particular field. For example, if you previously created "Production year" field, and you set a particular value 2015, and at the same time you had another article with, let’s say, an uploaded image which has 2015 in its path, then the old system would find both articles, as the search was carried out simply by the match of a search word. It led to the fact that sometimes in a search results list there were articles that were not quite expected. The new system will find articles which has 2015 value in "Production year" field only. Other fields and their values are no longer taken into account, allowing more advanced use of additional fields for the organization of cross-linking with each other, for example: by the production year, actors, directors, etc. A new type of search is automatically applied to the newly added articles only. If you want the old available articles to be involved in this search system, then you need to run the articles rebuilding in "Articles Rebuilding" of Administration Panel, and thus the index values of fields for old available articles will be created.

    Dont fix after Rebuild now downgarde to 10.6 and restor backup T befor upgarde to DLE 11 in Folder upgarde/10.6.php edit this line

    $tableSchema[] = "ALTER TABLE `" . PREFIX . "_post` CHANGE `tags` `tags` VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''";


    $tableSchema[] = "ALTER TABLE `" . PREFIX . "_post` CHANGE `tags` `tags` VARCHAR(1400) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''";

  15. ShoMpeT (Visitors)

    13 March 2016 22:59 6 comments

    making too many tags is not recommended by google, so that's why in Datalife Engine there is 250 characters limit for the article's tags! so in that case if you don't care about your seo and search engines you can increase limits for tag's row.
  16. celsoft (Administrators)

    14 March 2016 13:01 4 203 comments
    In this table, in this field are stored keywords for the tag cloud. Individual words!!! And not meta tags. There are no words up to 200 characters. You don't on purpose write the values there. Meta tags in another field, when you add news.
  17. Patoghu (Visitors)

    20 March 2016 10:05 16 comments

    after uprade DLE 11.0 in google webmaster many 404 error and is erro that /comment in my site i dont this url exapmle error this

    after click in url redirect to homepage

    how fix this
  18. celsoft (Administrators)

    20 March 2016 11:02 4 203 comments
    It categories addresses. Have you such categories on the website? If not, in this case, everything is displayed correctly. There must be a 404 error. There addresse google can find either on your site or on other sites on the Internet. Redirects to home page, DLE in this case does not. If you have redirect, then you have the modified files. You should restore the original files. Possible previously you used for this addresses any third-party modifications, Then after you upgrade, you need to install these again.
  19. izzeteker (Visitors)

    23 March 2016 08:19 1 comment
    Activation: You still haven't entered the key for your domain.

    How do I enter the domain name, and where? I do not know
  20. celsoft (Administrators)

    23 March 2016 18:45 4 203 comments
    Quote: izzeteker
    Activation: You still haven't entered the key for your domain.

    How do I enter the domain name, and where? I do not know

    You should install the original script on your server. And enter the key in the admin panel on your website.
  21. burtonfly (Clients)

    21 May 2016 06:27 33 comments
    Can we have windows-1251 english version ?
    how to do and show like Offical site : "In the group until: unlimited" ?
    At feature 20. Now you can move user to another group after a certain number of days after his/her registration.
    Can we have Move user to another group after Date Set (it helpful for membership site when member purchase member but not same registration date) ?
  22. celsoft (Administrators)

    24 May 2016 13:50 4 203 comments
    Quote: burtonfly
    Can we have windows-1251 english version ?

    No. English version in this encoding from us is not available. You need convert files yourself.
    Quote: burtonfly
    how to do and show like Offical site : "In the group until: unlimited" ?

    In the usergroup settings create new group and enable option "Temporary placement in a group", and put users into it, without specifying the end date of stay in the group. In profile template userinfo.tpl use tag {time_limit} https://dle-news.com/extras/online/index.html?all23.html
    Quote: burtonfly
    Can we have Move user to another group after Date Set (it helpful for membership site when member purchase member but not same registration date) ?

    No. It's not possible in the script.


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