Home / Press Releases / DataLife Engine v.14.1 Press Release
August 27 2020

DataLife Engine v.14.1 Press Release

celsoft 27 August 2020 Press Releases 5 351
Dear Friends,

The main stage of development of version 14.1 is completed, the release is under testing and pre-release preparation. In the meantime, we invite you to familiarize yourself with information about what awaits you with release of the new version.

The following changes have been prepared and implemented:

DataLife Engine v.14.1 Press Release
1. We completely redesigned the uploaded image management module in the administration panel. Now you can navigate through all folders in this section, regardless of the nesting level. In addition to standard folders, you can open and manage images in self-created folders. We also added a preview of images – just click on them in full screen.

2. We added support of video with adaptive bit rate (HLS files of .m3u8 format) to the DataLife Engine video player.

3. We added support of new value comparison condition tags to templates for displaying short and full story (shortstory.tpl and fullstory.tpl). For example, the tag [if field = "value"] text [/if] will display the text enclosed in it if the field value is equal to the specified value. This tag can compare not only equality, but also make “more or less” comparisons, find entries. You can also combine different conditions in this tag, for example: [if field > "3" AND field2 < "5"] text [/if]. Full list of conditions and fields for comparison:

[if field = "value"] text [/if] - shows the text if the field is equal to 'value’ parameter
[if field != "value"]text[/if] - shows the text if the field is not equal to 'value’ parameter
[if field > "1"] text [/if] - shows the text if the field is greater than 'value’ parameter
[if field >= "2"] text [/if] - shows the text if the field is greater than or equal to 'value’ parameter
[if field < "3"] text [/if] - shows the text if the field is less than 'value’ parameter
[if field <= "4"] text [/if] - shows the text if the field is less than or equal to 'value’ parameter
[if field ~ "value"] text [/if] - shows the text if there is word 'value’ in the field
[if field !~ "value"] text [/if] - shows the text if the word 'value’ is NOT in the field

Combined use:

[if field > "3" AND field2 < "5"] text [/if] shows the text if “field” field is greater than three, and field2 is less than 5
[if field > "3" OR field2 < "5"] text [/if] shows the text if “field” field is greater than three or field2 is less than 5, that is, if any of the conditions match

Nesting of tags into each other is also supported. Names for field:

id - Unique ID number of the story (number)
autor - Story author login (text)
date - Story date (date in British format, for example, “2020-09-01” or “10 September 2020”, or “next Thursday”, or “+1 day”, or in unix format; if the equal sign is used then the story date is rounded to the minute)
short_story - Short story text (text)
full_story - In the short story template, this is the number of characters in the full description. The full story template contains the full text.
title - Story title text (text)
descr - Meta tag describing a story (text)
keywords - “Keywords” meta tag (text)
category - List of categories to which it belongs (text, separated with commas)
alt_name - Title in Latin alphabet to form the page address when using the CNC. (text)
comm_num - Number of comments (number)
allow_comm - Comments allowed or not (number, 1 or 0)
allow_main - Story posted on the main page or not (number, 1 or 0)
approve - Story posted on the website or under moderation (number, 1 or 0)
fixed - Story fixed or not (number, 1 or 0)
symbol - Symbol code (text)
tags - List of tags from the tag list for the tag cloud (text, separated with commas)
news_read - Number of views (number)
allow_rate - Story rating allowed or not (number, 1 or 0)
rating - Story rating, total sum of all values (number)
vote_num - Number of people who voted in the rating (number)
votes - Voting allowed in a story (number, 1 or 0)
view_edit - Display the reason for editing or not (number, 1 or 0)
disable_index - Web indexing allowed or not (number, 1 or 0)
editdate - Story edit date (date in British format, for example, “2020-09-01” or “10 September 2020”, or “next Thursday”, or “+1 day”, or in unix format; if the equal sign is used then the date is rounded to the minute)
editor - Login of the last editor of the post (text)
reason - Reason for editing a story (text)
user_id - Post author ID (number)
xfield_x - Value of the additional field in a post, where x is a name of the additional field. For example, xfield_test value of the additional “test” field

4. We added the option to temporarily automatically block an account in the website's administration panel when it is inactive. You can specify a time-out in minutes in the script settings, after which, if the user did not do anything in the browser in the administration panel, his/her session will be temporarily suspended until the password is entered. In this case, a user will see a notification and if he continues to do nothing, the session will be suspended. This innovation will be useful for providing additional security, if a user temporarily leaves his computer with an open administration panel tab. To resume the session, it is enough to enter a password without having to enter a login.

5. We added the option to link any available social network account to an account on the website. Website user can link one or several networks to his/her account, and use them in the future to log into his/her own account on the website. In order to link a social network to his/her account, the user must log in on the website, go to his/her profile and make the link there. In this case, you can use any and all accounts on a social network, there are no match requirements, for example, concerning e-mail addresses. To link social networks in the user profile template, the same tags as in the login.tpl template are used for logging in via social networks: {vk_url}, {odnoklassniki_url}, {facebook_url}, {google_url}, {mailru_url}, {yandex_url}

6. We added the option to unlink any of the social networks from the account on the website. Even if it was originally used for the initial login to the website and the first registration. To do this, we added support of the {social-list} tag to the user profile display template, which displays a list of linked social networks and links to disconnect them from this account.

7. In the category settings of the script administration panel, we added the option to assign each category its own rating type for posts. Now each category can have its own type of rating, and not just the common one for the entire website.

8. In the post editing section of the administration panel, we added the option to recount the number of comments for a post. You can recount comments not only for all posts, which is a very long and resource-intensive process, but also recount comments only for a specific post. This function will be useful if you work in the comment database bypassing the DLE, for example, import of information into the database, deleting or incorrect work of third-party plug-ins.

9. In the post edit section of the administration panel,[/b] we added the option to recount comments for mass actions for selected posts. Thus, you can recount all comments in one click, only for selected posts.

10. In the post edit section of the administration panel, we added the option to delete all for mass actions for selected posts. Thus, you can delete all comments for selected posts in one click.

11. If any additional field is mandatory, for adding or editing posts we added information display about which field is empty and must be filled in. Previously, a general error indicating an empty mandatory field was displayed, and users had to find which particular field is mandatory on their own.

12. We added the option to load icons for categories directly from the DataLife Engine administration panel. You can load icons in the category management section when adding or editing a category.

13. For the post display templates, as well as for the category menu display template, we added support of new tags: [category-icon] text [/category-icon] show text enclosed in them, if in the category settings an icon was set for the category where the post is located. We also added support of opposite tags: [not-category-icon] text [/not-category-icon] which show text, if no icon is set for the category where the post is located. Thus, you can create the design of your templates more flexibly, depending on whether the category has an icon or not.

14. For the category menu display template, we added a link to the default icon, if there is no link to the category icon for the selected category. Previously, an empty value was displayed as an icon display tag, if an icon was not set in the category settings.

15. We added the option to use the @ and ~ symbols in website search , which served as auxiliary symbols when used for full-text search on tables working with InnoDB.

16. We added support of the Brotli algorithm based data compression for JS, CSS and HTML generated by the DataLife Engine. This method is more efficient and faster than regular zip data compression. To use this compression algorithm, the server must have the appropriate server extensions for PHP. If DLE determines that your server supports this algorithm, it will be used automatically, and if not, then compression will be carried out with available means, for example, zip compression.

17. We added the option to upload and delete images for users who have the right to post stories only after moderation, and at the same time they are allowed to edit posts. For this purpose, changes were made to the image uploading procedure – if the user takes actions to upload or delete images or files, the story is automatically sent back to undergo moderation.

18. We added the option to specify the delimiter character for keywords assigned to the tag cloud in the script settings in the administration panel when they are displayed in posts on the website.

19. We added the option to use the HTML code for category display delimiters and for the breadcrumbs module when they are specified in the script settings. For instance, you can set “</span><span class=”test”>” to create a more flexible and diverse formatting for your template.

20. We added support of lazy loading for Youtube videos posted using the [media = ...] tag, as well as any other content posted using the HTML iframe tag. If you enable lazy loading of images in the script settings, this lazy loading will also be used for the above content. This will also further speed up the loading of your website pages, because the required content will be loaded into the browser only as the user scrolls the page.

21. We added support of lazy loading for images posted in the text of user comments. Previously, lazy loading of images was available only for stories.

22. We also added the account of restrictions in the file upload window appearing when displaying information about the restrictions on the size and volume of uploaded data set in the server settings. For example, if in the script settings for the user it is allowed to upload a file of 5 megabytes in size, and the server settings do not allow uploading more than 2 megabytes, then during upload it will also be indicated that the maximum size is 2 megabytes. This allows you to immediately avoid confusion if there is a discrepancy between the settings of the script and the server.

23. We also added display of the number of files that can be uploaded by the user to the image and files uploading module, if there is a limit on their number in the settings.

24. We added the option to search for posts not allowed for web indexing for advanced search of posts in the administration panel. Thus, you can quickly find posts where you need to change this option.

25. We added the option to search for posts not allowed for on-site search for advanced search of posts in the administration panel. Thus, you can quickly find posts where you need to change this option.

26. We made changes to the behaviour of counting the number of stories for the category menu. Previously, the counting was carried out on the basis of the global settings of whether or not to display stories belonging to subcategories. Now the count is carried out based on the settings assigned individually for each category.

27. We added support of viber://, tg://, skype://, market:// protocols fo links posted on the website. These protocols allow you to open website based links in applications installed on the phone, such as Viber, Telegram, Skype and Android Market.

28. We added compatibility of database transfer from a later version to an older version for the database backup module. For example, the website was originally created on MySQL 8.0 and is transferred to another server where MySQL 5.7 is installed. In this case, the database backup will be created in a format compatible with MySQL 5.7.

29. For instances when the page contains several players with video and audio, we added automatic stop for files played if the user plays video or audio from other players on this page.

30. We made changes to the category menu formation system. If viewing of any categories is not allowed in group settings, and viewing of short stories from these categories is also prohibited, these categories will also be automatically excluded from the display in the menu for this group of users.

31. We updated the DLE video player to the current version, and fixed a number of small bugs and improved video playback on mobile devices.

32. We also added search and replacement in story headlines to the “Search and Replace” module in the administration panel, if search by stories and headlines of static pages is set, as well as search and replacement on static pages.

33. We added automatic verification of logins by keywords specified in the “Word filter” module in the administration panel in the process of user registration on the website. If the filter matches, the user will be denied registration. This feature will be useful if you set a filter for obscene words, there is no need to additionally fill in the names prohibited for registration in the filters intended for registration.

34. We added automatic removal of value display tags of additional fields from the template, in case data for these additional fields are missing. For example, there is an additional “gallery” type field and you display its values not with a single display tag, but separately for each image using the tag [xfvalue_X image =“Nr”], and if any of the images was not uploaded, then its display tag will be automatically hidden. This innovation concerns not only the display of images, but in general the display of any additional fields and their values.

35. We added a ban on sending personal messages to users who are in a group for which the use of personal messages is not allowed. Earlier, messages could be sent, but users could read them only when this ban was lifted.

36. We added automatic saving of sorting of additional user profile fields in the administration panel. Saving is done automatically when the order is changed, you don’t need to press an additional button to save.

37. We added automatic hiding of a comment awaiting moderation in the comment managing section of the administration panel after editing and posting it on the website. Thus, the moderator can quickly move on to processing the next comment.

38. We added automatic recount of statistics in the control panel in case of editing comments awaiting moderation.

39. We made changes to the incoming data filtering system intended for on-site search, in connection with which the search for some keywords has improved.

40. We optimized sorting of additional fields for posts in the administration panel. [/ B] This adds the option to perform multiple sorting or operations on fields without reloading the page in advance.

[b]41. We improved the system for determining the used site protocol http or https
preventing incorrect reading of server settings on certain configurations.

42. We improved the incorrect CNC links control system for some sections of the website and links.

43. We updated visual editors TinyMCE and Froala to the latest versions, and fixed a number of identified errors in these editors.

44. We made changes to the vote counting control system concerning post and comment rating that fixed the problem occurring when some users wanted to change their vote and could not do it.

45. We fixed the problem with generation of a link to the full story, if the category was disabled and it was the first category from the list of several categories.

46. We fixed the problem, which caused JS errors when enabling the use of native emoji and disabling the editor for comments.

47. We fixed the problem, which caused interruption of work of additional fields with the uploaded file type in case of rebuilding posts in the administration panel.

48. We fixed the problem, because of which the story options “Publish on homepage”, “Allow comments” and “Allow rating” were not removed automatically when adding or editing posts in the administration panel, if several categories simultaneously had a ban on using these options for the post.

49. We fixed the problem, which caused duplication of the List-Unsubscribe header when sending bulk emails from the website.

50. We fixed the problem, which in some cases caused posted comments to be deleted and incorrect counting of comments when working with comments awaiting moderation.

51. We fixed the problem, because of which the advanced search by comments did not work, if full-text search and comment moderation were enabled in script settings.

52. We fixed the problem, because of which the advanced search did not work, if a time period for comment search was specified.

53. We fixed the problem, because of which the description meta tag was formed incorrectly, if the story was not added or edited in the administration panel, and the content of the post was too small.

54. We also fixed minor errors in the script detected and reported earlier.


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