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October 07 2015

DataLife Engine v.10.6 Press Release

celsoft 7 October 2015 Press Releases 9 135
The following changes were prepared and implemented:

DataLife Engine v.10.6 Press Release
1. Four bytes encoding support is added for databases of the websites, where UTF-8 encoding is used. When you set UTF-8 encoding, you can enable four bytes support in database. This is necessary if, for example, you do not want to use alphabetic characters in the database. It is useful when you use Emoji emoticons, musical symbols, etc.

2. New {jsfiles} tag is added for main.tpl template. This tag shows all the involved JS scripts which are used by DLE in the specific area of the template. With this tag you can, for example, transfer all the JS scripts to the bottom of the page to speed up the loading and rendering of your pages. This tag is optional, and if it is not in the template, all the scripts will be connected to the tag {headers}, as before. Attention! If you move the script embedding, you should keep in mind that the {AJAX} tag should also be placed below the {jsfiles} tag. Also, you should consider the work of all third-party scripts in the template if they use Jquery library for example. They should not run until all the scripts will be embedded. We strongly recommend that beginners do not use this tag, as it is designed for experienced webmasters who have experience in working with JS scripts.

DataLife Engine v.10.6 Press Release
3. Pop-up window with description of the reasons is used to display news and comments ratings information when user’s vote cannot be accepted. For example, the user rates repeatedly, or he/she rates the own article or comment.

4. The restriction is added to news and comments rating system that does not allow to rate the own articles or comments.

5. Now there is the option for visitors to change their ratings or likes in articles and comments. If user has rated the comment or the article, he/she can change his/her mind and re-evaluate or re-rate it. Thus, the old rating will be replaced by the new one.

DataLife Engine v.10.6 Press Release
6. Now you can set the maximum number of pages for the website search results in the script settings. Thus, you can either limit the number of the shown results to reduce the server load, or you can let it show all the search results.

DataLife Engine v.10.6 Press Release
7. A new formatted displaying is used to show the views number of the article, comments number of the article, articles and comments number on the user’s profile page. For example, to display the number of the article’s views, the number will be displayed in this format: 252 501, instead of this: 252501 to facilitate the visual perception of the large numbers.

8. Tags [available=x] Text [/available] and [not-available=x] Text [/not-available], which are synonymous with [aviable=x] Text [/aviable] and [not-aviable=x] Text [/not-aviable] correspondingly, are added. These tags are absolute synonyms and they have similar meanings. The word “available” is more natural for Engilsh speakers.

9. The support of tags nesting is added for tags[available=x] Text [/available] and [not-available=x] Text [/not-available]. For example, in the template you can use the following sequence: [available=main|cat] Text 1 [available=cat] Text 2 [/available] [/available]. It will display "Text 1" on the main page and in the categories, and "Text 2" in the categories only. It simplifies the template layout logic, and adds new features for the template layout.

10. The support of tags nesting is added for tags [group=x] Text [/group] and [not-group=x] Text [/not-group]. For example, in the template you can use the following sequence: [group=1,2,3,4] Text 1 [group=1] Text 2 [/group] [/group]. It will display "Text 1" for all registered users, and "Text 2" only for the administrators.

11. New buttons and BB tags are supported by the website BBCODES editor:
[sub] text [/sub] – the text is displayed as a subscript
[sup] text [/sup] - the text is displayed as a superscript
[justify] text [/justify] - aligns the text on both sides: left and right.

DataLife Engine v.10.6 Press Release
12. Text title insertion is supported by the website BBCODES editor. Titles are inserted using a special new button of the editor. All titles from <H1> to <H6> can be used.

13. Operation algorithms of "Cross reference" module are improved. Now the module can correctly recognize different words that have similar entries. For example, if "Terminator" and "Terminator Genesis" words were created with different references, then correct replacement of each keyword will be performed, independently of each other and regardless of when it was added to the script.

DataLife Engine v.10.6 Press Release
14. Now you can enable or disable preload of the video metadata in the video player settings of the Administration Panel. If this setting is enabled, then player preloads the video’s data: its duration and the video thumbnail image. This data will not be preloaded if you disable this setting, thus saving the server’s and users’ traffic if users will not view the video.

15. Articles are now displayed in Favorites in a different new format. Displaying is now sorted in the "last in first out" order, not according to the general settings of the engine. The news which were later added to Favorites, will be higher in the list. Thus, if user has many articles in his/her Favorites on the website, the user will easier see which articles were added later.

16. Now there is the ability to enumerate the list of categories with a hyphen for tags [category=x] text [/category], [not-category=x] text [/not-category], [catlist=x] text [/catlist], [not-catlist=x] text [/not-catlist]. For example, you can specify [category=3-7,15] text [/category], and these tags will show the text in categories pages with IDs from 3 to 7, and 15.

17. New [rootcomments] text [/rootcomments] tags are added for (comments.tpl) comments template. The enclosed text is displayed if the comment is the parent comment, rather than a response to any other comment. Also, [childrencomments] text [/childrencomments] tags are added, which display the enclosed text if the comment is a reply to another comment. It provides you with the flexible settings of the comments tree appearance. For example, you can enclose the parent comments in a separate block, or change the appearance of the comments responses.

18. A new feature that allows to specify multiple authors is added for “author” parameter for the articles which are displayed to users using {custom ...} tag. For example, you can specify {custom author="test,admin"}, and news of the authors which have "admin" and "test" logins will be displayed.

19. New authorexclude="X" parameter is added for the articles which are displayed to users using {custom ...} tag. It allows to display publications of all the articles, except for the specified one, where X is the username of the author. Authors’ usernames can be listed, separated by comma. For example, {custom authorexclude="admin,test"} displays the articles of all the authors, except for the authors with usernames "admin" and "test".

20. New catalog="X" parameter is added for the articles which are displayed to users using {custom ...} tag. It allows to display publications, which contain the symbol code specified in the parameter, where X is the symbol code assigned to articles. Symbol codes can be listed in the parameter, separated by comma. For example, {custom catalog="a,b"} displays the articles, which contain symbol codes "a" and "b".

21. New catalogexclude="X" parameter is added for the articles which are displayed to users using {custom ...} tag. It allows to display publications, which do not contain specified symbol code, where X is the symbol code assigned to articles. Symbol codes can be listed in the parameter, separated by comma. For example, {custom catalogexclude="a,b"} displays the articles, which do not contain symbol codes "a" and "b".

22. New xfields="X" parameter is added for the articles which are displayed to users using {custom ...} tag. It allows to display publications, which contain the value of extra fields of the articles specified in the parameter, where X is the value of the extra field. Parameters can also be separated by comma. For example, {custom xfields="value 1, value 2"} displays the articles, which have extra fields which contain "value 1" and "value 2".

23. New xfieldsexclude="X" parameter is added for the articles which are displayed to users using {custom ...} tag. It allows to display publications, which do not contain the value of extra fields of the articles specified in the parameter, where X is the value of the extra field. Parameters can also be separated by comma. For example, {custom xfieldsexclude=" value 1, value 2"} displays the articles, which do not have extra fields which contain "value 1" and "value 2".

24. New tags [profile-user-group=X] Text [/profile-user-group] are supported in the user profile tamplates (userinfo.tpl and profile_popup.tpl). The enclosed text is displayed if the group of the user, whose profile is viewed, belongs to the group X, where X is the group number. Groups can also be listed by comma. For example, [profile-user-group=1,2] Text [/profile-user-group] displays the text, if the Administrator’s or the head editor’s profile is viewed. It allows you to customize the different appearance for the different user groups.

25. New tags [not-profile-user-group=X] Text [/not-profile-user-group] are supported in the user profile tamplates (userinfo.tpl and profile_popup.tpl). The enclosed text is displayed if the group of the user, whose profile is viewed, does not belong to the group X, where X is the group number. The purpose of these tags is opposite to those described in the above paragraph. For example, [not-profile-user-group=1,2] Text [/not-profile-user-group] displays the text, the viewed user profile do not belong to Administrators or head editors user groups. It allows you to customize the different appearance for the different user groups.

26. New tag {text limit="x"} is added for the static page template (static.tpl or any other template, assigned to the page). It displays the text of the static page, without HTML formatting. Thus, the publication text is limited by X number of symbols. The text is limited after the last logical word, it is not cut off in the middle of the word.

27. New tag {image-x} is added for the static page template (static.tpl or any other template, assigned to the page). It displays URL of the image, located in the text of the static page, where "x" is the number of pictures in the text of the page. For example, {image-1} displays the URL of the first image of the page text. Tags [image-x] text [/image-x] are added, which display the enclosed text only if the picture with the number "x" is present in the text of the page.

28. Specific metatag formatting according to Open Graph protocol http://ogp.me/ is added for static pages. Thanks to it, the following will be added to metatags for social networks and search engines: website name, reference to the image in a static page, reference to the video (if it is published in a static page using the tag [video]), as well as the reference to audio (if it is published in a static page using the tag [audio]). All this allows you to index your website and integrate it with social networks better.

29. New {extension} tag is supported by the article attachments template (attachment.tpl). It displays the extension of the attached file. It allows you to set different kinds of thumbnails in the attachments template, depending on the file type and its extension.

30. The own unique class is added for each pop-up window, which is called by the script. Thus, you can easily re-assign the visual design of the window, which is individual for each window. For example, its dimensions, or appearance.

31. Now you can change the design of the Administration Panel using templates created for the wedsite. You need to place adminpanel.css file to the directory of your template, which is assigned as the default template in the script settings. In this file you can place and reassign CSS classes design, which are used by the control panel. If there is such file in the template directory, it will be automatically involved by the control panel. Since the entire layout of the control panel is based on the CSS, you can change the appearance of the control panel from your template. For example, you can change the color scheme. After upgrading to the new engine versions, your changes will be saved and automatically work with the new versions.

32. Video playback is redesigned on the website. HTML5 player is used for all modern video formats. The outdated Flash Player is disabled. Flash Player is used only if the video with .flv extension is used. HTML5 player is also used for the audio playback. This change is necessary for the better video playback support on all types of devices, including smartphones and tablets.

33. The work of article text parsing is changed relative to the reverse convertion of HTML tags for images (img tag). If the image has been inserted as BB tags, then it will be also converted into BB tags during the editing. If the image has been inserted using the HTML tag, then it will remain as an HTML tag when editing. This change is necessary for a more flexible news text writing, if additional HTML properties should be specified for the pictures, such as styles or CSS classes, etc.

34. Images with .png extension are compressed when loaded to server. This reduces the size of pictures after uploading to the server.

35. Displaying of the files, attached to articles, is optimized. In particular, the calculation of the files size and its sums hash are made only if there are the appropriate tags in ‘attachment.tpl’ template. If there are no tags, then the work on obtaining this information by the script is not performed. This allows to significantly reduce the amount of the script work and reduces the load on the server.

36. Unfortunately, we had to stop the support of “Clear Web” service by Yandex due to the fact that Yandex no longer supports this service.

37. DLE player is involved automatically for the videos which are published in the articles, and for those, which are displayed on the website using {custom ...} tag.

38. The control panel work is improved when using smartphones . File uploading and work of pop-up windows in Administration Panel are improved. The contrast level of some visual elements of Administration Panel is also improved.

39. Now pop-up windows can be moved on the sensor devices that do not have a mouse (smartphones, tablets, etc.).

40. Now the engine supports MySQL 5.7.x.

41. The engine code is redesigned and adopted to support PHP 7.xx.

42. PHP class for mail is updated to the latest version. Compatibility with some SMTP servers is improved.

43. HTML5 player is updated to the latest version. Its support and stability is improved on some models of smartphones.

44. TinyMCE WYSIWYG editor is updated to the latest version. Its work in Edge browser by Microsoft is improved.

45. An issue is solved, where the editor was enabled for extra fields during the fast article editing, when it was disabled.

46. An issue is solved, related to the incorrect processing of attached uploaded files, if they were displayed using {custom ...} tag.

47. An issue is solved, where delete of all the comments of a specific article did not work in the article edit section of Administration Panel.

48. An issue is solved, where the information that news should not be streamed into RSS feed, when new category was created in Administration Panel, did not save when it was specified.

49. An issue is solved, where links were formatted incorrectly in mail if "/" was specified as the website URL in the script settings.

50. An issue is solved, where RSS informers cache was not automatically cleared every hour.

51. The previously found small errors of the script are fixed.


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