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DataLife Engine v.11.3 Press Release
Dear friends,

The main development stage of version 11.3 is completed. This version is now on testing and preparation stages but for now we suggest that you read the information about some new features of the upcoming version. This release includes new Redirects module, new improved Memcache cache system, attachment of files in feedback letters, an improved comments editing system in the Control Panel and many more. Now let’s have a closer look on all the new features of a new version...
March 06 2017

Security patch

celsoft 6 March 2017 Information 4 130
The problem: data filtering.

Error in version: 11.2 and below

Severity: high

To fix, open the file: /engine/go.php and find:
$url = @str_replace ( "&", "&", $url );

add below:
$url = htmlspecialchars( $url, ENT_QUOTES, $config['charset'] );
$url = str_replace ( "&", "&", $url );

Open the file:: /engine/ajax/typograf.php and find:
$txt = trim( convert_unicode( $_POST['txt'], $config['charset'] ) );

add below:
require_once ENGINE_DIR . '/classes/parse.class.php';
$parse = new ParseFilter();
$txt = $parse->process( $txt );
$txt = preg_replace( "/javascript:/i", "jаvascript:", $txt );
$txt = preg_replace( "/data:/i", "dаta:", $txt );
December 07 2016
The problem: data filtering.

Error in version: 11.1 and below

Severity: high

To fix, open the file: /engine/classes/parse.class.php and find:
		if( preg_match( "/[?&;%<\[\]]/", $url ) ) {

			if( $align != "" ) return "[img=" . $align . "]" . $url . "[/img]";
			else return "[img]" . $url . "[/img]";


replace with:
		if( preg_match( "/[?&;%<\[\]]/", $url ) ) {

			return $matches[0];

December 06 2016
DataLife Engine v.11.2 Final Release

Dear friends,

Here is a new version of DataLife Engine v.11.2. This release includes Two-Factor Authentication, a new article text parser, optional display of automatic categories menu, a new safe password storage system, and many more. Now let’s have a closer look on all the new features of a new version...
DataLife Engine v.11.2 Press Release
Dear friends,

The main development stage of version 11.2 is completed. This version is now on testing and preparation stages but for now we suggest that you read the information about some new features of the upcoming version. This release includes Two-Factor Authentication, a new article text parser, optional display of automatic categories menu, a new safe password storage system, and many more. Now let’s have a closer look on all the new features of a new version...


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