RSS informer

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RSS informer

You can configure the displaying of your RSS informer in this section. You set the name for this template by yourself when you add a new RSS informer. Following tags can be used in this template:


[link] text [/link] - Creates a link to the partners' news.


{link} - URL link to the page of the publication source.


{title} - News title.


{news} - The article itself.


{category} - Category where the article belongs to in the RSS feed.


{author} - Article author.


{date} - Publication date. The date format can be configured in system settings.


{date=date format} - Displays the date in the specified format. It allows you to display both the full date and its separate parts. The date format is set in accordance with the PHP format. For example, {date=d} tag displays the day of the article or comment publication, and {date=F} tag displays the name of the month. {date=d-m-Y H:i} displays the full date and time.


{image-x} - Displays the URL of images that are in the article annotation, where x is the number of picture in the article. For example, {image-1} will display URL of the first image in the article annotation.


[image-x] text [/image-x] - Displays the enclosed text only if there is an image number X in the article.