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Displaying of this section can be configured in comments.tpl. Display of comments for the published article is configured in this section.




User who left the comment.


E-mail of user who left the comment.


Publication date. The date format can be configured in system settings.


Text of comment.

{comment limit="X"}

It displays the text of a comment without HTML formatting, where the text itself is reduced to the specified "x" number of symbols. The text is reduced to the last logical word, not to the middle of it.


Comment ID.


IP address of user who left the comment. Displays only to website Administrators.

[images] text [/images]

Show the text enclosed in them, if images were uploaded to the comment


Show all images uploaded for the comment as an image gallery

[com-edit] and [/com-edit]

Link to the comment edit if it is allowed.

[com-del] and [/com-del]

Link to the comment removal if it is allowed.


Link to the article when viewing the last comments. Tag is removed if comments are displayed in the article.


It displays HTML-safe header of an article where the given comment belongs to. This tag is useful when you display customized comments and last comments.


It displays the URL of an article where the comment belongs to. This tag is useful when you display customized comments and last comments.


Link to the photo.


Full name of a user.


Place of residence.

[signature] and [/signature]

Displays the enclosed text if user has set the signature in his profile.


User's signature.


Date of registration on the website.


Date of the last visit.

{lastdate=date format}

Displays the last site visit by the user in the format specified in the tag. For example the tag {lastdate=d} displays the day of the month, and the tag {lastdate=F} displays the name of the month, and the tag {lastdate=d-m-Y H:i} displays the full date and time.

{registration=date format}

Displays the user's registration date in the format specified in the tag. For example the tag {registration=d} displays the day of the month, and the tag {registration=F} displays the name of the month, and the tag {registration=d-m-Y H:i} displays the full date and time.

[fast] [/fast]

Fast comments quotation.


Icon of the user's group.


Name of the user's group.


Number of user's articles.


Number of user's comments.

{date=date fromat}

Displays the date in the specified format. It allows you to display both the full date and its separate parts. The date format is set in accordance with the PHP format. For example, {date=d} tag displays the day of the article or comment publication, and {date=F} tag displays the name of the month. {date=d-m-Y H:i} displays the full date and time.


Login of the author without any links and menus.

[profile] text [/profile]

Displays the enclosed text as a link to the profile of the user who left a comment.


Establishes the possibility of mass comments marking to perform mass actions on the site.




Displays the enclosed text as a link to writing the complaint about the comment.




Extra field "x" is displayed if it is not empty.




Displays the enclosed text if user extra field has not been set, where X is the name of extra field of the user profile.


The value of extra field "x", where "x" is the name of extra field.


text [/fullname]

Displays the enclosed text if the full name has been set by the user.


text [/not-fullname]

Displays the enclosed text only if the full name has not been set by the user.

[land] text [/land]

Displays the enclosed text only if user has set the place of residence.

[not-land] text [/not-land]

Displays the enclosed text only if user has not set the place of residence.




Displays the enclosed text only if user has news published by him.




Displays the enclosed text only if user has no news published by him.


text [/comm-num]

Displays the enclosed text only if user has comments.


text [/not-comm-num]

Displays the enclosed text only if user has no comments.

[online] text [/online]

Displays the enclosed text only if user is online (20 minutes since the last visit).

[offline] text [/offline]

Displays the enclosed text only if user is offline.

[spam] Spammer [/spam]

Displays the enclosed text as a link to mark this user who left the comment as a spammer.


[declination=X] text [/declination]

Changes endings according to the specified number. X is a number and "text" is a word with its endings. Endings are specified separated by "|" symbol. This tag is useful to be used with other tags that display, for example, number of views of the article or number of comments. For example, [declination={comments-num}]commen|t|ts[/declination] displays the following, depending on the number of comments: "comment", "comments".




Displays the enclosed text if the comments was written by the user who belonged to specified groups.




Displays the enclosed text if the comments was written by the user who did not belong to specified groups.





Displays the enclosed text if comment number X is displayed, where X is the number of comment shown on the page. For example, [commentscount=1] text [/commentscount] will show the text when the first comment will be displayed on the page. This tag is useful if you want to choose the place to display ads between comments. For example, the code [commentscount=1,10] ad code [/commentscount] which is added to the end of the template will display ads after the first and the tenth comment.




Displays the enclosed text when any comments are displayed except the comment number X. This tag is useful if you want to show some design elements in all the article annotations except the specified ones, for example, if you do not want something to be displayed in the first article annotation.




Displays the enclosed text if the first 'Rating' type was enabled in script settings.




Displays the enclosed text if the second rating type 'Likes only' was enabled in script settings.




Displays the enclosed text if the third rating type 'Like' or 'Dislike' was enabled in script settings.




Displays the enclosed text if the fourth rating type 'Like' and 'Dislike' was enabled in script settings.




Displays the enclosed text as a link to dislike the article. This link is displayed if the third rating type is used.




Displays the enclosed text as a link to like the article. This link is displayed if the third rating type is used.


Displays the comment rating.


Display number of likes


Display number of dislikes


Displays the number of users who rated this comment.


This tag displays average rating figure containing fractional part amounting from one to five. For example, it may be 1.6 or 4.2 depending on evaluation.

[reply] text [/reply]

Enclosed text is displayed as a link to a pop-up window for replying to a comment if tree-like comments are enabled. If they are disabled it inserts the given commentator's username to the new comment form.




The text enclosed in them is displayed if the comment has responses to it from other users.




The text enclosed in them is displayed if there are no responses to the comment.




Enclosed text is displayed if tree-like comments are enabled in script settings.




Enclosed text is displayed if tree-like comments are disabled in script settings.




The enclosed text is displayed if the comment is the parent comment, rather than a response to any other comment

[childrencomments] text [/childrencomments]

Display the enclosed text if the comment is a reply to another comment


It displays the number of replies for this comment.




Enclosed text is displayed if user who views the page is the author of the comment.




Enclosed text is displayed if user who views the page is not the author of the comment.

[news-author] text [/news-author]

Enclosed text is displayed if comment belongs to the author of the given article.




Enclosed text is displayed if comment does not belong to the author of the given article.




Enclosed text is displayed if the comment has positive rating.




Enclosed text is displayed if the comment has negative rating.




Enclosed text is displayed if the comment has neutral rating.

[catlist=1,2....] текст [/catlist]

Displays the enclosed text if the article belongs to the specified categories.

[not-catlist=1,2....] text [/not-catlist]

Displays the enclosed text if the article does not belong to the specified categories.

[if field = "value"] text [/if]

display the text enclosed in it if the field value is equal to the specified value


[if field = "value"] text [/if] - shows the text if the field is equal to 'value’ parameter

[if field != "value"]text[/if] - shows the text if the field is not equal to 'value’ parameter

[if field > "1"] text [/if] - shows the text if the field is greater than 'value’ parameter

[if field >= "2"] text [/if] - shows the text if the field is greater than or equal to 'value’ parameter

[if field < "3"] text [/if] - shows the text if the field is less than 'value’ parameter

[if field <= "4"] text [/if] - shows the text if the field is less than or equal to 'value’ parameter

[if field ~ "value"] text [/if] - shows the text if there is word 'value’ in the field

[if field !~ "value"] text [/if] - shows the text if the word 'value’ is NOT in the field


Combined use:


[if field > "3" AND field2 < "5"] text [/if] shows the text if “field” field is greater than three, and field2 is less than 5

[if field > "3" OR field2 < "5"] text [/if] shows the text if “field” field is greater than three or field2 is less than 5, that is, if any of the conditions match


Names for field:


id - Unique comment ID (numeral)

post_id - Unique post ID (numeral)

user_id - Unique commenter ID, if registered (numeral)

date - Comment date (can be in "2020-09-01" or "10 September 2020" or "next Thursday" or "+1 day" or "next Thursday" or Unix format, if the equal sign is used then post date is rounded up to one minute)

gast_name - Commenter's username (text)

gast_email - Commenter's Е-mail (text)

ip - Commenter's IP (text)

is_register - Registered or not user (numeral 1 or 0)

rating - Total comment rating (numeral)

vote_num - Number of votes in comment's rating (numeral)

name - Commenter's username, if registered (text)

email - Commenter's E-mail, if registered (text)

news_num - Number of commenter's posts, if registered (numeral)

comm_num - Number of comments posted, if registered (numeral)

user_group - Commenter's user group, if registered (numeral)

lastdate - Commenter's last visit date (can be in "2020-09-01" or "10 September 2020" or "next Thursday" or "+1 day" or "next Thursday" or Unix format, if the equal sign is used then post date is rounded up to one minute), if registered

reg_date - Commenter's registration date (can be in "2020-09-01" or "10 September 2020" or "next Thursday" or "+1 day" or "next Thursday" or Unix format, if the equal sign is used then post date is rounded up to one minute), if registered

signature - Commenter's signature, if registered (text)

foto - Link to commenter's avatar, if registered (text)

fullname - Commenter's full name, if registered (text)

land - Commenter's country, if registered (text)

xfield_x - Additional field value of post where x is a name of additional field. For example, xfield_test is a value of additional field test