User groups

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User groups

In this section, you can add and edit new and existing user groups. When you add a new user group you set available categories and the rights for it.


Available sections: Sections where this group has the access.


Trusted sections: If you allow the user group to publish news without verification or to edit other users' news, then here you can specify trusted sections for the group. It will be forbidden to edit news for other groups. User can always add news in allowed sections, but if one of its sections will not be trusted, then the article won't be posted without prior moderation. Categories where it is not allowed to add news without moderation are highlighted in red when you add it.


Allow access to Administration Panel: This option allows the user to access the Administration Panel, but does not provide access to all its functions. Only access to add and edit news from Administration Panel is provided. Only Administrators have the access to all the functions.


Hide only full articles from inaccessible sections: If user is denied to access the section, you can choose whether to completely forbid the access or to forbid to view full articles. If you choose to forbid to view only full articles you significantly reduce the server load and the news sampling time.


Allow to add news on the website: You can disable or enable users to add news on the website.


Publish news without verification: Allow to publish news to trusted sections without verification.


Allow to fix the news: Allow users to fix the news on the website.


Edit own news: Allow users to edit their news after the publication on the website.


Edit all news: Allow users to edit any news from trusted sections.


Allow to post comments: Allow users to leave comments on the website.


Edit own comments: Allow users to edit their comments.


Delete own comments: Allow users to delete their comments.


Edit all the comments: Allow users to edit any comments.


Delete all the comments: Allow users to delete any comments.


View hidden text: Allow users to view the contents of [hide] [/hide] tag.


Allow to use PM: Allow users to use personal messages on the website.


Allow downloads: Allow users to download uploaded images.


Use feedback: Allow users to use feedback on the website.


Use website search: Allow users to use the website search.


Temporary placement in a group: You can temporarily place the users in that group. Specify for how long the user will be placed in this group when placing the user in this group. After the end of this period, the user will be automatically moved to the primary group.


Primary group at the end of the limit: Specify the user's primary group where he /she will be moved at the end of the period of staying in the temporary group.